Halloween 2016 Expected to be the Most Expensive Ever

Costumes, candy and pumpkins galore – these Halloween traditions have left our wallets a little lighter, with record-breaking spending. NBC 7’s Steven Luke reports from Mission Valley, fully clad in the Halloween spirit.

At Halloween Express in Mission Valley, the average customer reported spending $120.

The three-digit numbers for Halloween costumes are in line with a nationwide trend. Americans will break records in October and it's supposed to be the most expensive Halloween ever, according to the National Retail Federation.

More than 170 million Americans will participate in some way in Halloween, spending $8.4 billion. The average cost per person is $82.93, and when you calculate that for a family of four, it’s $331.72.

Lon Sheriff, who lives in Tierrasanta with his wife and four kids, said the family’s Halloween budget can exceed a monthly car payment.

One of the reasons? Halloween decorations.

“We are partial to the inflatables and so for Halloween we have somewhere in the neighborhood of 17 or so,” Sheriff said.

The dad said it’s tough to recycle costumes in his family because his sons don’t want a hand-me-down and his daughter has gender specific costumes.

If you really want to save money next Halloween, you have to plan ahead. Decorations and costumes will be 50 percent off Nov. 1 at Halloween Express.

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