
Gyms Operating Outside Face Record Breaking Heat

“You gotta play by the rules, you gotta do the right thing, especially to make sure people are safe."

NBCUniversal, Inc.

Gym owners have been breaking a sweat since the start of the pandemic, from forced closures to partial reopenings — and, now, outdoor workouts in record-breaking heat. NBC 7’s Lauren Coronado went to Bay Park to talk with gym owners about their latest challenge.

Gym owners have been breaking a sweat since the beginning of the pandemic. From forced closures to partial reopenings, and now some are working out outdoors, in the middle of a heat wave.

Cali4Fitness gym owners, Jillian and Tato Silva, said they’re trying to stay positive and keep their clients safe. They moved their high intensity group workouts to the parking lot to comply with public health orders.

“I miss the workouts indoors,” admitted Tato.

Temperatures crept into the mid-80s near Bay Park, where Cali4Fitness is located. Tato said there is more equipment inside the facility that gives their workouts more variety.

"We let our members know, ‘make sure you’re staying hydrated, bring extra water,'" Jillian added.

But even during a pandemic, and heat wave, Cali4Fitness is still managing to welcome more clients, which proves there’s a need for organized fitness. Long-time members, like Paula Perez Costas, said she’s relieved she can still workout, even if its outside under the sun.

“Even if it rains, if it’s hot, it doesn’t matter. I put my sunblock on, my sunglasses, bring my water. I will work out,” Perez Costas said.

The Silva’s said it’s important they comply with county health order to keep their clients safe, unlike some neighboring gyms that are operating indoors, which is prohibited according to county leaders.  

“I get it, we gotta pay bills here as well. We still have to pay rent. I feel like if everyone does the right thing, the sooner we get things right, the sooner we get back to normal, right? It’s temporary,” explained Tato.

Members are required to get their temperatures checked before participating in an outdoor class, must sanitize equipment before and after use, maintain physical distance and report if they are not feeling well.

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