San Diego

Gender Gap of Burnout in the Workplace Widens

Women in the workplace are more burned out in 2021 than in 2020, according to a new study conducted by w

NBC Universal, Inc.

A recent study shows “burnout” among women in the workforce has been worse through this year than it was in 2020, reports NBC 7’s Kelvin Henry

A recent study shows "burnout" among women in the workforce has been worse through this year than it was in 2020.

“There have been several ways I've seen women be affected in the workplace during the pandemic,” University of San Diego Professor Carrie Tremble said.

According to the study by McKinsey & Company, 42% of women and 35% of men are feeling burned out, which is up from 32% and 28% last year.

Among working mothers, half of those surveyed said they often or almost always feel burned out.

Experts say lack of flexibility in working arrangements is a part of the problem.

“So, I've seen many women have to leave the workforce because of not having childcare available, even if they can afford it. Many childcare centers have unfortunately had to close during the pandemic. So there isn't available care,” Professor Tremble said.

In fact, of those surveyed, one in three considered downgrading their careers or leaving the workforce entirely.

Many experts are grappling with solutions to career dissatisfaction and burnout, but are saying it isn’t an easy fix.

“I don't think there are any easy solutions and I think this is going to take a cultural reckoning of society coming together to have the conversation to say how can we make this work,” Professor Tremble said.

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