Former Police Psychologist Analyzes Christopher Dorner's Manifesto

The 14-page manifesto written by murder suspect and former Los Angeles police officer Christopher Jordan Dorner packs a lot of information – including insight into Dorner’s state of mind, a former police psychologist tells NBC 7.

Prior to embarking on a violent crime spree throughout Southern California, Dorner posted a lengthy manifesto on his Facebook page detailing all of the people he planned to kill and why.

In the online document – which is addressed “To America” with the subject line “Last Resort” – the former Navy reservist says he wants to “clear his name.”

The manifesto goes on to describe how Dorner plans to get revenge on the former LAPD colleagues whom he believes are responsible for his 2008 termination from the police department.

The manifesto includes the names of all of his targets and also threatens to harm their families.


Dorner writes that when he reported LAPD officer for use of excessive force, nothing was done. He claims that in retaliation for making the report, the police department fired him, saying he lied about the report.

Dorner also writes of racism – citing an alleged physical fight with fellow officers who called him by a derogatory name. He also alleges that other officers did not tell the truth about that particular incident.

He warns that his attacks will not end until his name has been cleared.

“I have exhausted all available means at obtaining my name back. The attacks will stop when the department states the truth about my innocence publicly,” reads one portion of the manifesto.

Dorner also challenges law enforcement about their ability to track him down, writing: “I will utilize every bit of small arms training, demolition, ordinance and survival training I’ve been given. You have misjudged a sleeping giant.”

Former police psychologist Dr. Michael Mantell says Dorner’s manifesto reveals several things about his frame of mind.

“It’s hard to put a label on this without knowing him, but what we know is we have a man who is completely out of control who has given up on life, whose self-esteem is tiny. He’s trying to cover it up. [He has] been extraordinarily disappointed and hurt, in his mind, by life,” Dr. Mantell told NBC 7.

For 10 years, Dr. Mantell was the chief psychologist for the San Diego Police Department and then later for all law enforcement in the county.

According to Dr. Mantell, the seeds of anger appear to have been festering inside Dorner for a long time.

“Ultimately, anger is built around the belief that you must treat me the way I insist. So, if I come to you and complain about something, you must take that seriously. After all, I have a good name,” explained Mantell.

“When they don’t, that starts to build anger and when it becomes a psychiatric illness, which is what I believe we are seeing here, that is the kind of demand, insistence and expectation – D.I.E. to the max,” he added.


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