Facebook Settings a Private Matter

Cick your way to internet protection

Facebook has created its own world of photographs, blogs and personal updates.

But how private is it? 

"I guess it all depends on the settings that you put for your own Facebook," said Dara Stein, a local student.

But many don't know how to change those settings.

"It depends," said Regina Gaither, a San Diego businesswoman. "if you are computer savvy, you will figure it out. But if you're not, it's hard."

Dan Clark, vice president of ESET North America, a San Diego-based virus protection company, says many people simply ignore the Internet settings on their Facebook page.

"There has been a general erosion of privacy," Clark said, "but a lot of people are not aware of it."

Clark says you have to dig through several layers of settings to protect your privacy.  And every piece of information has its own individual controls.

"So your photographs have controls for the photographs," Clark said. "Your bio has a control for your bio, Your relationship status has a setting for who can see your relationships."

Clark says you should encrypt your Facebook communication to just people you've chosen.  You can even limit which computers can access your page.

It's important to create a strong password. Somebody could post potentially illegal information on your site if they hack onto your page.

Facebook allows you to control access from popular search sites if you know where to go.  But many people simply don't.

"You're sharing a lot more information than you think you are if you haven't gone in and set these things carefully," Clark said.

ESET breaks down Facebook privacy settings and how you can protect your information.The guide is written out on its blog and is also outlined in a video.

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