El Cajon Man Dies of West Nile Virus

A 73-year-old El Cajon man died of West Nile Virus on Sunday – the second death in San Diego this year.

Health officials confirmed four other cases, bringing the total in San Diego to 11 this year.

The County Department of Public Health is also waiting to confirm 13 suspected cases and two deaths possibly linked to the disease.

“These unfortunate deaths are a strong reminder that West Nile virus is a potentially deadly disease, and is active in our region,” said Wilma Wooten, M.D., M.P.H, County public health officer. “It’s important that the public continue taking precautions to avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, which transmit West Nile virus.”

County officials urge people to prevent mosquito breeding by dumping still water outside the house. Mosquito fish, which are available for free from the Environmental Health Vector Control Program, can be used in backyard water sources to control mosquito breeding.

They also remind people to stay inside when mosquitos are most active – from dusk until dawn – and to wear long sleeves and pants or use repellant. Residents should report dead birds or green swimming pools to the Environmental Health Vector Control Program.

The disease reached its peak in 2008, when 37 cases were reported in the County.

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