Ocean Beach

City to Reopen OB Pier — Sort Of

Damage to OB Pier
Jim Grant

Damage to OB Pier

San Diego will partially reopen the Ocean Beach Pier after repairs to damage caused by storms earlier this year are completed, it was announced on Wednesday.

City engineers say a portion of the pier can safely reopen after railings and other parts are fixed.

"I am grateful that a large portion of the Ocean Beach Pier can be safely reopened for the enjoyment of residents and visitors," City Council president Jennifer Campbell said in a statement released Tuesday. "Much more work will need to be done to address the damage to other parts of the pier and find a long-term solution moving forward.''

What's next for the OB Pier? NBC 7's Dave Summers explains the options.

The city completed an inspection of the pier in 2019 and found it had "reached the end of its service life."

A specific timeline for the reopening cannot be guaranteed but engineers believe it could open by summer, Campbell said.

When it reopens, the following restrictions will be implemented:

  • The part of the pier beyond the Cafe but before the expansion joint will remain closed for safety reasons
  • No vehicle traffic will be allowed on the pier except emergency vehicles and only when necessary
  • The pier will close during very high tides
Jim Grant
For the second time in three years, big waves damaged San Diego's iconic Ocean Beach Pier.
Jim Grant
High surf and a high tide combined on Monday to raise the 10- 12-foot waves high enough to skin at least 100-feet of railing boards off the south side of the pier, a witness told NBC 7.
Jim Grant
Grant, who has been going over to OB to shoot the waves for more than 30 years, used his Nikon camera and an 300MM lens — a rig that would set you back over $3,000 — to capture some startling shots of the ocean’s power.
Jim Grant
A series of shots captured by Grant shows what appears to be a large section of railing bracing on the south side of the pier, when, in fact, what the viewer is seeing is really about a dozen of the railing boards themselves that have been shorn from their upright supports by the pounding surf.
Jim Grant
“Looked like a conduit or something was just strung out all over the pier, so that’s down, that’s out, Grant said, adding that he saw seaweed and sand had shot over the seawall at the foot of Newport at Abbott Street.

The 2019 inspection found cracked pilings and erosion along the pier's 1,971-foot length -- but particularly at the junction where the downward-sloping pier from the land meets the slightly upward-sloping pier heading out above the water.

The 364-page report written by Moffatt & Nichol, prepared at a taxpayer expense of close to $700,000, found three options going forward:

  • First and cheapest is repairing existing damage, amounting to $8 million. This will essentially kick the issue down the road. The 55-year-old structure will continue to crumble and degrade, necessitating more expensive repairs in the future
  • Second, the city could rehabilitate the pier for somewhere in the neighborhood of $30 million to $50 million, which would increase service life but "would not address the sea level rise vulnerability," the report said
  • Lastly, and most expensively, the city could tear it down and build a new one. This would run anywhere from $40 million to $60 million but have a service life of 75 years or more

Campbell's office is working with Mayor Todd Gloria's team, the city engineering department, and local leaders and community groups to make sure future proposals are aligned with the community's interests. Those details are still to be developed and meetings with community groups are being planned.

"The OB Pier is a beloved local landmark that we want to maintain and keep safe for future generations of San Diegans and visitors to enjoy," Gloria said.
Future construction of the pier will likely include modern materials at higher elevations to withstand potential sea level rise and the effects of climate change.

"The Ocean Beach Pier is a treasure to our community and has served the city for over 50 years, and I am determined to look at all options with members of this community to plot out what the next 50 years will look like," Campbell said.

As San Diego Lifeguards celebrate 100 years of service, junior lifeguards and community leaders took the plunge off the Ocean Beach Pier to show their swimming chops on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
City leaders pose before their big leap.
SDPD Chief Shelly Zimmerman (right) and Mayor Kevin Faulconer (left) look down the 30-foot drop that awaits them.
Despite initial butterflies, the mayor gives a thumbs up after his water landing.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.
Junior lifeguards, city leaders and others jumped off the OB Pier on Aug. 11, 2014.

Deck and railing damage from the 2019 storm were repaired, and the pier was deemed structurally sound enough for public use even though inspections found pier columns and other parts of the structure needed future repair, according to city spokesperson Alec Phillipp. But other storms since forced the pier to close again, most recently in January 2021.

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