Chelsea's Law Signed into Law 5 Years Ago

Chelsea’s Law is signed by the governor.

Chelsea's Law, named in honor of Poway's Chelsea King, marks a milestone this week.

Five years ago, then-Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger signed the law in San Diego's Balboa Park.

The law increased penalties, parole provisions, and oversight for violent sexual predators who attack children.

Chelsea's parents Brent and Kelly King lobbied for the legislation after their 17-year-old daughter Chelsea was abducted and killed in February 2010.

On Thursday night, the Kings returned to San Diego for a benefit dinner to support their Chelsea's Light Foundation and Palomar Health's Forensic Health Services, which aids child victims of abuse and sexual assault.

After their success in helping pass Chelsea's Law, Brent and Kelly said they are trying to do the same thing in their new home state of Illinois.

"The kids in California are a heck of a lot safer now today because of the way the community came together to pass Chelsea's Law.," said Brent. "There are communities across the country that don't have that benefit."

The annual “Finish Chelsea’s Run” organized by the Chelsea Light Foundation honors Chelsea’s memory.

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