
More Consumers Turning To Mobile Payment Apps To Do Their Holiday Shopping

Use of mobile payment apps on the rise.

Mobile payment apps are making shopping easier than ever. NBC 7’s Consumer Bob has more.

Smartphones are everywhere. More than 81 percent of Americans own a smartphone, according to Pew Research.

More and more people now look to the convenience those phones provide. Among them, the rise of mobile payments such as Apple Pay, Google Payment, Zelle, Venmo, and other apps that allow smartphone owners to leave their purse or wallet at home and purchase items with a scan of their phone.

“It’s easier to track your spending in some ways because you have that information right at the tip of your fingers,” said Kimberly Palmer, a writer and researcher for”You can see what you’ve spent, the categories you spent in, so in many ways way more convenience.”

And according to research from, 71 million shoppers plan to use the mobile payments at the cash register this holiday season.

“A lot of people may not realize it, but mobile payments are connected to your credit or debit card,” added Palmer. “People are just way more comfortable than ever with using these apps.”

While the number of mobile payment users is on the rise, according to a report by CNBC, Americans are slower to catch on than in other countries. 

Countries such as China and India are leading the way in using mobile payments, according to some experts.

But Palmer from says it’s just a matter of time until Americans embrace the convenience.

“Naturally there are differences among age groups but the fact is people are finding mobile payments far easier than traditional methods.”

But, added Palmer, the extra convenience could come at a cost for some consumers.

“Because it’s easier, there’s the potential for overuse so consumers should watch out for overspending.”

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