Consumer Reports

Can Your Phone Help You Sleep?

Phone apps that promise to help you sleep

NBC 7’s Consumer Bob has some tips for anyone turning to their phone for a good night’s sleep.

A remarkable number of people have difficulty sleeping. Some 80 percent in a recent nationally-representative survey by Consumer Reports said they had problems sleeping at least once a week.

While many take sleep meds and some may even consult a therapist, a growing number are turning to soothing apps on their phones. Consumer Reports looks at whether these apps can really help you get a good night’s sleep.

Over-the-counter meds can provide some relief, but they’re not recommended for long-term use. Sleep apps are booming; downloads of several of them have increased 20 percent in the past year. While there has been some research on the effectiveness of sleep apps, it’s preliminary at best.

There are several different types of sleep apps available. White-noise apps might help by blocking out barking dogs or rowdy neighbors. Other apps lead you through guided imagery, meditation, and even hypnosis to calm your racing mind. 

A third type of app tracks your sleep patterns, for example, how long it takes you to fall asleep and how long you spend in the deeper stages of sleep.

Then there are apps that use cognitive behavioral therapy, or CBT, similar to what a therapist would use, to help fix bad sleep habits.

The American Academy of Sleep Medicine says that CBT is the best first step in treating chronic insomnia. That’s because it can help you change the thoughts and behavior that can lead to sleep problems. The cognitive behavioral apps may work best with in-person CBT therapy.

Consumer Reports also notes that the fine print on most apps says they’re marketed as “entertainment” or “lifestyle” apps, not medical devices, meaning that their effectiveness hasn’t been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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