Budget Ax Won't Chop Libraries & Rec Centers

Councilmembers find money to keep libraries and rec centers open

The San Diego City Council has come up with a plan to keep libraries and recreation centers safe from the budget chopping block.

On Monday, four council members presented a plan to tap into nearly $13.5 million of ongoing resources.

It includes eliminating cell phones and reducing training and overtime pay for non-public safety departments.

To ensure that libraries will stay open daily, $10.3 million is needed. Recreation centers are open more than 20 hours a week.

Citizens had a chance to voice their opinions on the Mayor's proposed 2012 budget at a public hearing Monday night in City Council Chambers.

"Budgeting is an art," said Councilman Todd Gloria. "But at the end of the day, this council is saying uniformly, we will not take an action that will decimate our services like our libraries and our rec centers." 

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