Bigoted Graffiti Discovered on SDSU Parking Garage

The school has since removed the spray paint

San Diego State Police officials are taking steps to find the suspect who sprayed racist graffiti on a school parking garage this week.

Wednesday morning, students discovered the bigoted words and symbols scrawled across two walls near Parking Structure 1, which sits by College Avenue and Alvarado Road.

SDSU officials believe the suspect vandalized the structure Tuesday night, and a police report was filed the next day. Staff immediately removed over the spray paint.

Investigators have not identified any suspects at this point.

The SDSU Police Department sent the following statement about the discovery: 

"San Diego State University emphatically condemns and rejects these messages of hate and divisiveness.  Our facilities services staff immediately removed them. SDSU is a diverse community of people from all races, ethnicities, religions and socioeconomic backgrounds.  We affirm and reaffirm our commitment to providing a welcoming and supportive environment of opportunity for all students, faculty, staff and community members.  This event serves to remind our campus community of the importance of continued support for our aspirations of being One SDSU – a community that promotes diversity and inclusiveness through our shared mission of education, research and service." 

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