Are You on the List of Layoffs?

Check to see if your company is planning a layoff

With layoffs looming for a lot of workers across California, many of you are asking: Am I on the list to be laid off?

Companies are required by state and federal law to alert workers, local and state officials 60 days in advance of any layoffs involving 75 employees or more.

The list posted online Wednesday indicates the Gemological Institute of America in Carlsbad will lay off 110 people by February 10. The site includes information that Pentair Electronic Packaging in Poway will lay off 158 people by February 12. A Pentair company spokesperson corrected that information Friday stating the number of employees listed on the website and the timing of the layoffs are inaccurate. The company will be going through this transition in waves, according to the company spokesperson. Pentair contacted the EDD and requested a correction. According to an EDD employee, a correction will be posted to the state's public site early next week.

The California Employment Development Department posts the notices on its Web site, stating, "Advance notice provides employees and their families some transition time to adjust to the prospective loss of employment, to seek and obtain alternative jobs and, if necessary, to enter skills training or retraining that will allow these employees to successfully compete in the job market."

Industries most affected in California, according to the list, are technology, banking, medical, pharmaceuticals and airlines. In California, JP Morgan Chase Banks are expected to lay off 362 employees by Jan. 29, and 2,372 by the end of the year.

So far, through January 10 of 2009, EDD has posted a total of 19,153 employees affected or subject to layoffs in California. The number represents the notices posted rather than received from employers and covers the period of January 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009. Most of these are expected in the first few months of the year, while some do extend to expected layoffs later in the year. The volume of WARN notices has increased significantly so we have added staff to the processing of these WARN notices and will now start posting updates to our Web site twice a month. A new update is expected to be posted later today or tomorrow.

To illustrate the increased WARN activity, here is a chart comparing the number of employees affected or subject to lay-offs for the period of July 1, 2007 thru December 31, 2007 versus July 1, 2008 thru December 31, 2008. 

7/1/07 to 12/31/07 Number of Employees Affected -- 29,761 

7/1/08 to 12/31/08 Number of Employees Affected -- 48,584

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