San Diego

San Diego Tick Numbers Expected To Drop

As the weather heats up, many people in San Diego like to get out and hike. But locals should also be aware that it is still tick season. 

While experts on the East Coast are worried this tick season could be the worst one yet, the tick population in San Diego is expected to decrease, according to the Land Use and Environment Group.

"Our tick season is a bit different than back East," said Alex Bell, program manager for the Land Use and Environment Group in San Diego. "It generally coincides with the rainy season starting in late October and going through May."

Bell added it is nearing the end of tick season locally, meaning tick numbers will start to drop in June.

However, Bell cautioned that hikers should still examine themselves for ticks after going outside. 

"Ticks can be found here any month of the year," warned Bell.

The tiny bug can transmit a variety of diseases, including Lyme Disease.

Early symptoms can include joint pain, aches, flu-like symptoms or a bulls-eye shaped rash.

San Diego County offers more information on ticks or other vectors at (858) 694-2888.

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