Protesters Organize Against Donald Trump at Balboa Park

The protest in San Diego Saturday was one of many across the U.S. including in Los Angeles and New York City

A local demonstration took over Balboa Park in San Diego Saturday as cities across the nation continue to see protests against Donald Trump.

As cities across the nation – including downtown Los Angeles and New York City – continue to see protests against President-elect Donald Trump, a local demonstration took over Balboa Park in San Diego Saturday.

Signs in hand, organizers met on Park Boulevard at 1 p.m. for a peaceful protest against Trump, many saying they were fighting against hate, racism, Islamaphobia and sexism.

"The people united, will never be divided," some demonstrators chanted.

"Brothers, sisters, have no fear, immigrants are welcome here," others said.

"We reject, the President-elect," said other protesters.

Most of the protesters said they know their demonstrations won’t change the results of the election, but they want to make sure their voices are heard.

Many in the diverse group at Balboa Park said it was important to them to exercise their right to peacefully protest. Some passed out fliers and circulated petitions.

But not everyone agreed.

One man shook his head at the protesters as they passed through Balboa Park. He said the demonstrators should realize the election is over.

“This is good that people are building community,” said protester Ali Salaam.

“We have to be the change,” added protester Margarita Elizabeth.

There were a number of police officers and deputies at Saturday’s demonstration, there to protect the protesters, motorists and bystanders.

Many of the protesters at the anti-Trump rally thanked those law enforcement officers for their service and for helping to keep the demonstration peaceful.

On Friday night, locals took to the streets of Barrio Logan with a similar message, voicing their concerns and opposition against Trump.

Earlier this week, students at the University of California San Diego, as well as other universities in California, marched through their campuses, also protesting Trump's election victory.

Across the United States, many of the protests have been sparked by fear and outrage.

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