Gadget Insurance a Money Saver

Cheaper ways to protect your electronics

It's a common question at the check out line when you buy consumer electronics, "Do you want an extended warranty?" 

Some consumer feels pressured by sales staff to pay for a warranty that sometimes extends coverage for a year or more. But do you have to buy the coverage at the store to protect your smart phone, tablet or laptop? 

The answer is no.

Companies like SquareTrade and Worth Ave. Group are in the business of offering additional protection for high end consumer electronics.

"We insure any type of mobile electronics," said Aaron Cooper with Worth Ave. Group, "devices from iPads and iPhones to smartphones, Kindle and laptops."

The Oklahoma based insurance company claims their coverage is usually cheaper than manufacturer warranties. Unlike many extended warranties, Worth Ave. Group includes theft in their coverage.

SquareTrade offers extended warranties to many electronic products similar to what you would get with Apple Care. With SquareTrade you need to mail the item to the company where Apple Care allows you to come into one of their company stores.

Another tip for shoppers is to look into their credit card coverage. Some card companies from Visa to American Express offer a warranty extension feature. The card will extend the warranty that comes with the device for another year.

Smart phones like the iPad are the most common gadgets that are broken according to Aaron Cooper. He also says men and women break their phones in different ways.

"Typically with men, it's cracked screens," said Cooper, "with women it's water damage." 

Cooper says women will drop their phones in a bathroom sink or toilet, while men will drop their phone. He says men are less likely to use a screen protector or case.

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