San Diego

Advice For a Successful Job Search During a Pandemic

One career coach said it's important to take a step back from a job search to relax and clear your head to stay motivated

NBC Universal, Inc.

Searching for a job could be difficult but finding one can be even tough during the coronavirus pandemic. NBC 7’s Ashley Matthews has some advice for jobseekers.

Finding a job during normal times can be a challenge, but even more so in the middle of a pandemic as the unemployment rate holds steady with millions of people across the country out of work.

More than 23 million Americans are currently claiming unemployment benefits and to help those who are on a job hunt, NBC 7 got some advice from a career coach on how to best navigate the search.

Wendy Braitman, PCC, Career Development Coach with Randstad RiseSmart, explained it’s important to start on a positive note. Think about the value you’ve added to a job, whether it’s the ability to do many different skills, or working with others. These are valuable to prospective employers.

Networking should be your best friend, as well. Connecting with people at companies you’d like to work for could be key in getting your foot in the door.

Braitman suggests to make it known that you’re interested in a certain field and will do a great job.

Anything that can make you stand out in a positive light will help, so don’t be scared to take chances, she advised.

Also, check over all your social media sites to make sure they're appropriate and up to date, especially LinkedIn.

“Some people are apprehensive about social media but LinkedIn is a must," Braitman told NBC 7. "Recruiters, hiring managers, potential employers will check you out on LinkedIn, and if you don’t have a LinkedIn, it’s a red flag. If you don’t have a photo, it’s a red flag."

It's also important to stay focused and motivated during the job search, and that may mean stepping away from it from time to time and doing something else.

Braitman suggests an exercise routine each day or a home improvement project to clear your head.

That’ll help you come back to the job search and continue to be motivated.

To learn more about Braitman and her services, click here.

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