A Woman's Guide to Fertility

Statistics show one in five women today delay pregnancy until after the age of 35

Career or Family?

It's the dilemma many women face. Statistics show one in five women today delay pregnancy until after the age of 35. By the time some women do decide to start a family, they find getting pregnant isn't as easy as they thought it would be.

This was the case for one woman who realized her biological clock was ticking, and she didn't have time to be casual about fertility.

Jean Twenge was 34 when she decided she wanted to start a family. Since she was used to being in control of her life, she expected things to go exactly how she planned.

"When you want a baby, you want a baby and it's something you have to wait around for," Twenge said. "And that's hard to do."

Jean is like many women who put off having children until their mid to late 30's. Their biological clock is ticking and many feel they have to move quickly.

"I was an impatient woman," she said. " I think if you want to be pregnant and you're not, you're impatient."

Cara Schoenly had no problem conceiving her first child at 37. When she wanted another, their were challenges she wasn't expecting.

"I was 40. The clock was ticking," Schoenly said. "It was ticking when I had my first. It was ticking even harder after the miscarriage, the doctor said the chances are low, you'll get pregnant and the chances are high that you'll miscarry again."

Women like Cara are one of the reasons why Jean wrote the book "The Impatient Woman's Guide To Getting Pregnant."

It's based on her own "Impatient Woman" experience. In it she details research she used herself, from supplements, to ovulation, to the best time to do "the baby dance." She debunks the myths.

"Charting, ovulation, fertility kits and the fertility monitor are the three most common," Jean said. "And if you're really impatient, you can use all three at once. Which I did, and it worked."

Cara says Jean's advice also worked for her. She conceived her second child after ten months of trying.

"I do think the use of the monitor contributed to my pregnancy with my daughter because I was very specific about the times we were having sex and making sure it was at a peak time during the month," Cara said.

Now, both women say being impatient is a thing of the past.

"I have patience with my children and I don't know where it comes from," Cara said. "I think God gave it to me!"

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