San Diego

50 Gallons of Breast Milk Donated for Preemies

Nearly 50 gallons of mother’s milk were collected Wednesday in a donation drive held by UCSD and The San Diego Mothers' Milk Bank.

Organizers hoped to increase supplies of human milk for premature babies and other newborns who need it.

Preemies are often fed formula when a mother can't produce her own milk.

Sara Crawford has a 6-month old who was born premature. She knows how critical breast milk can be for a preemie.

“I was lucky enough that I can produce enough so I wanted to help the next mom who may not be so fortunate. Especially for a preemie baby," Crawford said.

The milk bank provides banked human milk to infants with intestinal injury or those with very low birth weight. It was established by the Division of Neonatology at UC San Diego Health.

New mothers who are interested in donating can still do so. Find information on how to apply and register here.

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