San Diego

5 Motherless Ducklings Safe Thanks to San Diego Police Officer

A San Diego police officer went above and beyond the call of duty to ensure the safety of these tiny ducklings

A San Diego police officer went above the call of duty to rescue a flock of ducklings.

Five little ducks went out one day and found themselves on a busy San Diego street. Luckily, they were unharmed thanks to a San Diego police officer.

Officer Thach was patrolling SDPD's southern division Tuesday morning when he noticed the ducklings in the middle of the street with no mother to be found, the department said on Facebook. 

He immediately went to work, corraling the five feathered fowls into a brown cardboard box before they were harmed by oncoming traffic. 

The officer then turned the ducklings over to the San Diego Humane Society but, of course, stopped for this adorable photo first. 

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