3 Teens Rushed to Hospital After Flipping Car in Crest

The teens landed on an old truck parked in the yard

The boys were driving eastbound when they took a hard turn, lost control and hit a sign and landed upside-down in someone’s yard. NBC 7’s Ashley Matthews reports.

Three teens were rushed to the hospital after flipping their car Sunday evening on Mountain View Road, California Highway Patrol confirmed. 

The boys were driving eastbound when they took a hard turn, lost control and hit a sign and landed upside-down in someone’s yard.

Veronica Callahan owns the property the car landed on.

"It was so dark that we couldn't really see anything but we could hear them screaming, we could hear them screaming for help,” she tells NBC 7.

Callahan immediately called 911 to get help for the teens.

"If you're not familiar with the road in either direction, it's pretty hard,” she says. "We've had several different accidents before, but not this bad."

 All three were taken to the hospital with non-life-threatening injuries.

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