Quick Tips For Healthy Eating And Living

A Summary Of The USDA's Guidelines For Good Eating

Taking some tips from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA) “Dietary Guidelines for Americans” can help you make smarter choices about the food you eat and the way you live, reported bizSanDiego.com. As weight gain remains a cause for concern in America, USDA’s guidelines place nutritious eating, calorie counting, and physical activity as the keys to healthier eating and living.

According to bizSanDiego, the amount you of food you eat should depend on your age, activity level, and whether you're trying to gain, maintain, or lose weight. You should factor in the central food groups (fruits, veggies, grains, dairy, and fats), while also balancing physical activity into your day. As a general guideline, the USDA suggests you make sure to get in 30 minutes of moderate activity most days, 60 minutes for optimum health, and 90 minutes for weight loss.

Portion sizes are also a major cause for concern, as they have been a major contributing factor for weight gain amongst Americans. Paying attention to the nutrition facts label on foods will tell you how many calories, fat grams, and other nutrients are in that serving of food.

Lastly, making sure all foods are prepared safely will benefit your overall well-being. You should keep your hands, kitchen surfaces, and foods washed, and be sure to cook all meats thoroughly.

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