Soft Silky Skin in Dry Winter Weather

Local hospital offers relief for cracked painful skin

Windy dry weather, even in San Diego can be severe enough to cause painful cracking of the skin and chapped hands. Not only is it unattractive it's uncomfortable.

Some helpful tips to prevent the scaly dryness include using a humidifier at home according to Sharp Hospital. They recommend following the National Library Of Medicine's tips which include washing hands in water that's not too hot and staying away from harsh soaps. Also moisturizer your hands frequently.

To treat dry hands use lotion first, then creams or ointments for severe conditions. Very strong hydrocortisone creams are suggested for badly chapped hands accorind to the NLM. If your hands don't improve, contact a dermatologist.

For more information click on Sharp Hospital or National LIbrary of Medicine (NLM)

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