With open enrollment ending soon, now is the time to choose the doctor right for you

This article is sponsored by Sharp HealthCare. It does not reflect the work or opinions of NBC San Diego’s editorial staff. To learn more about Sharp HealthCare, click here

Open enrollment can be confusing. From flexible spending accounts to out-of-network deductibles to navigating the quagmire of your employer’s election website, there’s a lot to consider when selecting your healthcare benefits.

One thing that shouldn’t be difficult, however, is selecting the right primary care physician. After all, your primary care physician will be your go-to doctor for most medical needs. And yet even this part of the process can feel overwhelming.

Thankfully, Sharp HealthCare makes selecting your primary care physician easy. With 10 locations in San Diego County (four acute care hospitals, three specialty hospitals and three affiliated medical groups) and more than 2,600 affiliated San Diego doctors, Sharp offers its patients the doctor that is right for them. 

So how should you pick the ideal Sharp primary care doctor? Follow these seven simple steps to avoid roadblocks and find the doctor who’s best for you.

1. Choose Your Location
With multiple locations around San Diego County, it's easy to find a Sharp doctor near you.

2. Reference Your Insurance
Do you need your doctor to participate in a specific health insurance? Sharp’s physician-referral nurses and Sharp.com can help you find a doctor based on your needs.

3. Pick a Gender
It’s all about your comfort level. Would you prefer a male or female doctor?

4. Consider Language
Many of Sharp's affiliated doctors speak other languages in addition to English.

5. Browse Education and Experience
Sharp's affiliated doctors have a range of degrees and experience. A recent graduate from a top school may be right for you — or perhaps a doctor with extensive experience is a better fit.

6. Select Your Favorite Hospital
Is it important which hospital you may be admitted to if the need arises? If so, be sure the doctor you choose is affiliated.

7. Keep Philosophies in Mind
From opinions on holistic medicine to communication preferences, your doctor’s healing style should align with yours.

Your health care journey begins when you choose a doctor. Visit Sharp.com/doctor or call 1-800-82-SHARP (1-800-827-4277).

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