Are Wii Really Calling This Exercise?

Obesity is an epidemic in this country and it's no longer cool to be a couch potato.  But what is cool, is Exergames.

Ten months ago, Nintendo launched Wii Fit.  It's the first video game marketed as an exercise game, or Exergame.
Here's  how it works.

An on-screen trainer moves you through yoga, strength exercises, aerobic activities and balance games, while you're stepping and gyrating on a movement-sensitive board.

While all this gyrating may sound like fun, the good news is that while you're moving, you're toning your body, and burning calories.

The American Council on Exercise is conducting a study to find out just how much good exergaming does.  They are lending the game to eight families for three months and recording the results.

Any exercise program can cause injury, and Exergames are no exception. And some experts worry that people will substitute light game workouts for the real deal, like a 20-minute walk.

"Some exercise is better than none....and none is what many people get", says  Cedric Bryant, Chief Science Officer of the American Council on Exercise.

The Wii Fit system is available at many locations in stores and on line and will cost you about $80.  You will also need a Game Console to run the system, and that'll run you about $250.

Ouch !!!  Given today's economy...maybe I'll just go for a long walk.

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