AIDs Tests Come to You

One in four Americans living with HIV/AIDs

Find out where you can go to during the next six weeks to get a free HIV or AIDs test.

One in four Americans living with HIV/AIDs doesn’t know they have the disease, according to the San Diego-based Kemet Coalition.

The group at greatest risk? African-Americans, according to new figures. Nearly half of the new cases of infection involve members of the African-American community, even though they are just 12 percent of the U.S. population. 

“They are dying," said Rev. Ikenna Kokayi, the chairman and CEO of the United African American Ministerial Action Council (UAAMAC). "Our community is dying, and we must act with bold steps to address this pandemic, which is negatively affecting our future. "

Get Tested 911: Know Your Status, Safe Lives is a mobile HIV/AIDs testing service aimed at reaching the African-American community. It began Jan. 16 and runs through March 6.   

The outpouring of community support has been encouraging, said Clovis Honore, an organizer working with the Kemet Coalition. The Urban League, Christie’s Place, the San Ysidro/Comprehensive Health Center, the Jacobs Center for Neighborhood Innovation as well as many churches have expressed support for the campaign. Fourth District Councilman Anthony Young also endorses the much-needed effort.

 Schedule a confidential and anonymous HIV screening at the following locations:

  • Feb. 5:  FBWG Celebration Breakfast  9-11 a.m.,  Bethel A.M.E., 3085 K St., San Diego
  • Feb. 7: National Black HIV/AIDS, Awareness Day Community Event, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Rite Aid parking lot,  1735 Euclid Ave.                                                
  • Feb 20: UAAMAC Beloved Community Summit, 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., Jacobs Center, 404 Euclid Ave., San Diego                                            
  • Feb. 21: UAAMAC Beloved Community Summit , 10 a.m.  to 2 p.m.,  Jacobs Center, 404 Euclid Ave., San Diego                    
  • March 2: Black Church Week of Prayer. 5-8 p.m. Bethel A.M.E., 3085 K St., San Diego
  • March 5: Black Church Week of Prayer, 5-8 p.m., New Assurance Baptist Church, 7024 Amherst St., San Diego
  • March 6: Black Church Week of Prayer, 5-8 p.m., Greater Life Baptist Church,  5486 Roswell St., San Diego
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