This Amsterdam Restaurant Set Up Individual Greenhouses to Keep Diners Apart—Take a Look Inside

Anne Lakeman for Mediamatic Amsterdam

Mediamatic ETEN is located in Oosterdok, Amsterdam.

As many restaurants around the world remain closed because of the coronavirus pandemic, one restaurant in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, is experimenting with a new way to dine out.

Mediamatic ETEN, a vegan restaurant at the arts center Mediamatic Biotoop, set up greenhouses to test out allowing diners to follow social distancing measures while still eating out. The restaurant calls the project Serres Séparées, which mean separate greenhouses in French. 

Take a look inside.

Willem Velthoven/Anne Lakeman for Mediamatic Amsterdam
The project aims to minimize physical contact between waiters and diners.

Museums, restaurants and theaters are expected to open at reduced capacity on June 1 across the Netherlands (where there are currently more than 40,000 confirmed cases of Covid-19). Mediamatic ETEN has reservations starting on May 21, but notes that it still needs to obtain permission from local and national authorities to officially open. 

Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic Amsterdam
Diners inside Mediamatic ETEN's greenhouses.

With the greenhouses, Mediamatic ETEN aims to minimize contact between waiters and diners.

Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic Amsterdam
A server at Mediatic ETEN uses a wooden board to serve food to diners inside a greenhouse.

Servers wear face shields and gloves and rely on a long wooden board to serve diners seated inside the greenhouses.

Willem Velthoven for Mediamatic Amsterdam
Waiters wear face shields and gloves and rely on long wooden boards to serve diners.

However, it's not open to the public yet. The restaurant is currently in a trial phase only for family and friends of staff.

Reservations can be made online, but the restaurant is already fully booked through the end off June. Reservations are also contingent on the restaurant obtaining approval to open to the wider public.

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