Tree Cutting Plans Sparks Opposition

Chain saws are buzzing in Scripps Ranch this week.
The first of dozens of towering eucalyptus trees were cut down Monday because of safety concerns. Some residents, though, are saying that the trees wont go without a fight.

Fifty-six trees slated to be cut down in a condo community called the Grove. More than half-dozen trees have fallen in the past few months, and the community's board of directors said they believe the trees to be a safety risk.

Some residents, however, are outraged, and are posting signs and protesting.

"This grove has withstood all kinds of inclement weather, and unfortunately, when one came down, that apparently panicked our board of directors," said Laurie Hamilton, who has called the Grove home for nearly 38 years

In December a giant eucalyptus tree crashed into one of complex's 146 units. No one was hurt. Some residents said they were concerned about their safety.

"Yeah, it's pretty annoying how they're over there," resident James Lapay said about the protestors. "Save the trees? How about save the people from getting hit by the trees."

In a letter to homeowners, the board said that a vast quantity of trees need to be removed to keep property and residents safe.

"A few times already they've fallen in the alley way over there," Lapay said. "They fell on a condo over there, and imagine if it goes through the condo and kills some kids."

Critics, though, are arguing that the designation more than 200 trees for removal is excessive.

"There are probably 8 or 10 trees we agree should come down, but not 208," Scripps Ranch resident Robert Bacon said. "That's half the whole grove!"

Crews said the job will take all week and may require the use of a crane to help remove some of the larger trees.

For their part, protesters said they're going to try for an injunction to stop the cutting.

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