The Hot Dogs Are Metaphors, Right?

Will Ferrell’s “Land of the Lost” bows to “The Hangover.”

I  went to a weekend matinee at Horton Plaza to be amused by Will Ferrell in “Land of the Lost.” In the theater’s concession line, the guy in front of me ordered two hot dogs. Funny, that’s what I always get. Not funny—that guy got the last pair. I was told to come back. I did—as the movie was about to start. But the concession gal hadn’t put any dogs on the cooker, yet. It dawned on her that the concession stand on the other side of the complex might have some. (This is a true story.) I ran over. They did have dogs, which I bought, and decided to name: Leathery and Gnarly.

The next day, I wantonly decided to catch another matinee. I picked “The Hangover,” showing at the Gaslamp Stadium theater. Tradition is tradition. I purchased my two hot dogs and unwrapped them, but this time with trepidation. Hot-diggity, they turned out to be a great, fresh treat.

Which brings us to the movies. The summer movie season has begun, and comedy top chef Ferrell has been burned by the relative unknowns in “Hangover,” a comedic delicacy. Box office results bear it out. The $100-million “Land of the Lost” garnered just $19.5 million in opening weekend ticket sales. The $35 million “Hangover” reaped $43.3 million.

“Hangover” was directed/produced by Todd Phillips, who also directed “Old School,” which includes some of Ferrell’s classic film work (fondly recall Ferrell streaking as Frank “The Tank”). It’s a shame the “Anchorman” who uncorked Ron Burgundy now seems as overcooked as a Horton Plaza hot dog.

But the next Will Ferrell may just be “Hangover’s” Zach Galifianakis. He steals scene after scene with his dated wardrobe and un-cool man purse, dead-pan non-sequiturs (“Wait, when’s the next Halley’s comet?”), and like Ferrell, an ability to induce laughter by not wearing pants. His buns—though not literally—are hot right now.

IRon Donoho is a regular contributor to and a contributing editor to His Web site ( is dedicated to news, sports, culture, happy hours and all things downtown.

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