Sounds Like San Diego: April 18

There's this transition that happened for me when my online journal transformed into an actual music blog that other people -- people who didn't know me -- started showing interest. This cycle happens where you start getting asked to preview or review shows, and the more you do, the more events that you're invited to, until, pretty soon, you realize you've got a full time pursuit on your hands. In those early days, you remember everything ... every publicist you interact with, every band you meet, how you're treated by these bands. So when I happened upon a "string metal band" from the Bay Area called Judgement Day, I had little to go on except that I was blown away by their show and, upon meeting the band, was overwhelmed by how nice they were. Anton Patzner was lead violinist and his brother was in the band, too, and over the years, few people have ever been cooler. So naturally, when his new band, Foxtails Brigade, began hitting me up for their shows, I was excited. Completely different from JD but fully exposing the talent of all members, including sweet little Anton. Don't miss them tonight with Shades McCool (Tony from Fever Sleeves, Rob Crow's Gloomy Place and more) and Noble War.

Monday, April 18:

  • Foxtails Brigade, Shades McCool, Noble War @ Soda Bar
  • Ex Hex, Sheer Mag, Ditches @ Casbah
  • The Front Bottoms, Brick and Mortar, Diet Cig @ Observatory North Park
  • The Devils of Loudun, Lurid Memory, Ruderalis @ Til Two Club
  • Protoje, the Devastators, DJ Rashi @ Belly Up
  • DJ Tramlife @ Bar Pink
  • Death Before Dishonor, Threshold, Step 4 Change, Drug Control, Soul Power, Instinct @ Che Cafe
  • Junior theDISCOpunk @ The Brass Rail
  • Metal Mondays @ Brick By Brick
  • Michele Lundeen @ Humphrey's Backstage Live
  • Shane Hall @ El Dorado
  • Mic Check Mondays @ Gallagher's
  • Velvet Cafe @ Alexander's (30th & Upas)
  • Open Mic @ Lestat's
  • Electric Waste Band @ Winston's
  • Acoustic Night/Industry Night @ Henry's Pub

Rosemary Bystrak is the publicist for the Casbah, the content manager for DoSD, and writes about the San Diego music scene, events and general musings about life in San Diego on San Diego: Dialed In. Follow her updates on Twitter or contact her directly.

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