Our mobile phone home search application is here (I think)

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So who has a Blackberry or iPhone and some time on their hands?

Imagine that you are wondering around aimlessly in the neighborhood in which you wish to live some day. Imagine then that you can push a couple of buttons on your phone and a map instantly pops up giving you all of the homes within striking distance which are currently offered for sale in the Multiple Listing Service. Then, imagine you could push another button, a distress call if you will, and I would come flying over to show you these homes. (OK — Put that last one down as strictly optional. I might be tied up with a termite inspector anyway, but you get the idea.)

The mobile home search application along with more information is here. (It’s also at the bottom of the side bar until I figure out how to resize it.)

That’s the easy part. Now I need some help testing our new gadget. In theory, this could be the coolest thing since (insert the coolest thing you can think of, not counting Bono). The problem is that I am a Verizon user who is partial to touch screens, and my Blackberry Storm is (I am told) a couple of weeks away from being supported. Until then, I am flying blind. For all I know, I could have just posted an application which downloads directions to your nearest RE/MAX office.

Note: There is nothing at all wrong with RE/MAX; it is just that I don’t happen to work there.

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