Pipe Bomb Blasts Off in Porta Potty

Shrapnel hits passerby

An 18-year-old Petaluma man was injured when a pipe bomb exploded in a portable toilet located near a baseball field in the city on the Fourth of July, according to police. At about 10:35 p.m., Officer Matthew Capitelli was flagged down at Lucchesi Park to assist with someone who had been injured.

The victim had a severe injury to his back and was losing a large amount of blood, police said.

Medical personnel arrived while Capitelli was assisting him and took him to a ospital.

The man said he was walking by the portable bathroom located near the park when he heard a loud bang and felt the injury to his back. The portable bathroom had evidence that a pipe bomb had been detonated inside, according to police.

The shrapnel from the pipe bomb had blown through all the walls and the roof of the portable bathroom. A piece of shrapnel from the pipe bomb hit and injured the victim.

The man is in stable condition and an investigation is ongoing, according to the Police Department.

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