Pierce the Veil's Vic Fuentes Named CEO of Nonprofit

This week, Fuentes revealed he is now the Co-Chairman/CEO of nonprofit Living the Dream Foundation

If he wasn't before, then Pierce the Veil's Vic Fuentes is definitely living the dream now. 

This week, Fuentes revealed he is now the Co-Chairman/CEO of nonprofit Living the Dream Foundation, which connects teens and young adults who are suffering from serious illnesses with their favorite bands.

Fuentes has been an ambassador for the foundation for a number of years now, but his goals as CEO include “'reviving, relaunching and rebranding the whole thing'" and magnifying name recognition amongst fans, according an interview with Billboard.

He goes to explain that although he's never run a nonprofit before, he's learned a lot by working with Living the Dream for the past three years and that his heart is fully in it.

The whole thing actually started with an Instagram post. After the foundation's founder, Scottie Somers, posted about the foundation's struggles following their loss of a big sponsor, Fuentes commented that he would love to help out, and the rest is history, according to that same Billboard article.

It's nice to see that the San Diego native has found his second calling.

Rutger Ansley Rosenborg is an editor and digital marketer at NBC's SoundDiego. Find out more here.

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