Picking Up Poop is Big Business

Those convenient doggie bags have created a cottage industry

Dog owners often carry around plastic grocery bags when walking their pets but what if the supply of those bags disappears?  Some cities are looking at ways to ban the plastic bags due to environmental concerns.  Now that potential loss of poop bags is spurring a cottage industry of colorful, scented, biodegradable bags.

Janet McCulley of Muttropolis in Solana Beach says the sale of custom made doggie bags is picking up.  The store's line of Bon Ton bags include designer colors with hearts, polka dots and skull and cross bones.  You can also buy a bag dispenser that attaches to your dog's leash.

Citi Picker sells disposable mittens, Flush Eze offers water soluble bags that you can flush down the toilet, and Germany based Dog Poo bags offers a hands-free solution complete with a cardboard handle.

Many of the bags come in different sizes depending on the dogs "left overs".   The bags come in a variety of prices but if plastic bags become harder and harder to get, people in the bag  business hope to be ready to pick up the slack.

Here are some links to learn more about doggie bag options:

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