Kitty Lovers Needed

The Rancho Coastal Humane Society has 15 litters of feline babies who need temporary homes as soon as possible, officials said Friday, the North County Times reported.

The society's shelter is full, so sympathetic humans are being sought to care for the kittens -- about 60 in all -- for about a month, said spokeswoman Patty Brooks.

The shelter usually relies on its volunteers to be "foster parents" to the kittens. But now it's overwhelmed and also looking for other responsible animal lovers to help out.

The kittens are of different ages, but none is so young that it needs to be bottle-fed. Some of the litters have just two kittens, some have six, Brooks said. The shelter's staff will help match litters with foster parents, the paper reported.

Rancho Coastal will help foster parents by providing supplies, instructions and support. They will also go through a quick orientation program to ensure they are capable of providing the needed care.

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