Give 7

During tough economic times, everyone has felt the ripple effect of unemployment, foreclosures, and other hardships.

Now we know we can’t solve the big problems, but doing little things for each other make a big difference.

Maybe you know a kind senior citizen who needs assistance weeding their garden? Maybe you know a young man who needs help with his baseball skills? Maybe some inner city kids who need a safe place to play? Or maybe you’re tired of seeing junk pile up in your community park?

NBC 7/39 and the United Way of San Diego County invite you to “Give 7” and nominate an inspirational person who needs a helping hand. Click here to nominate someone in need. 

Disclaimer: Monetary help is not available for those you nominate; this is a volunteer work-based opportunity to bring our community together. If you would like to donate money through Give 7, click here.

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