Give Us Our Dunkin' Donuts, Man

It's a pretty clear message - we San Diegans want our Dunkin' Donuts.

The most common question asked of the popular donut and coffee eatery on its Facebook and Twitter accounts is “When will there be Dunkin' Donuts in California?” according to Ben Smith, Dunkin’ Donuts Interactive Manager.

Smith joined local blogger Jenn Van Grove via Skype Tuesday to discuss the company’s new contest – create your own style donut.

Customers can select from thousands of options to create a virtual donut and submit it for consideration to be sold in Dunkin’ Donuts stores.

Which of course, led Van Grove to ask – ok, but when will we be able to walk into a Dunkin’ Donuts say, in Mission Valley, and order a few?

“Everybody wants to know when we’re coming to California,” he said. “We’re expanding. We’ll probably make it out there. We’re as far west as Phoenix and Vegas so if you want to take a road trip we’re within a few hours from you.”

“It’s interesting to watch how social media – especially Twitter and Facebook – factor into this contest and even more interesting to see the demand in Southern California and if that is the catalyst for getting the store out here,” said Van Grove.

At least we can still play the game. The prize is $12,000 and the pride knowing you don't have to get up so early to make the donuts.

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