Gift Ideas for the Dorm

Whether it’s a dorm room, apartment, or house- college living situations can’t compare with all the conveniences of home. Here are 10 holiday gift ideas (some fun, some functional) that will make campus living much more bearable.

PS3 or Wii
Look at it this way - a PS3 is a game system and an HD DVD player in one, and both create opportunities for fun, substance-free socializing on a Saturday night. Stay away from PlayStation Portables and Nintendo DS’s though- I’ve noticed cults of kids intensely gaming in the back of classes.

DVD Box Sets
Some favorites: The Office, Heroes, Family Guy and Gossip Girl.

Tivo (or another DVR)
With busy school schedules and social lives, it’s tough to keep up with our favorite shows. With a DVR that problem is solved!

Digital Message Board
White boards and expo markers are now vintage. With a digital message board, you can leave audio and video and picture messages for your roomie.

Desktop Organizers
Typically, a student’s living space consists of an excess of clutter and a lack of space. Check out Ikea, The Container Store, or Target for some organizational remedies.

Lap Desk
A comfortable way to do homework or work on a Laptop anywhere.

Espresso Maker
I’ll admit that most of my spending money over the past few years has gone to Starbucks. One of these would have probably saved my mom a lot of money.

Countertop Pizza Maker
Upgrade from Easy Mac and Cup of Noodles to a pizza oven. It’ll save money on eating out and it can double as a quesadilla maker!

George Foreman Grill
I’m not sure what this grill can’t do. It’s a staple to any college kid’s culinary lifestyle.

Charlie Brown Christmas Tree
Add some holiday spirit to even the tiniest rooms! This tree needs you…and it comes with a very comfy blue Linus blanket.

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