Geo-Caching with Dear Old Dad

Father's Day 2009: you, dad and your GPS

Still racking your brain trying to figure out how to avoid buying dad another tie or itchy, wool sweater for Father's Day?  Looking for something really unique?  How about a treasure hunt in San Diego's mountains?

It's coming up the day before dad's big day, Saturday, June 20 at the Sacred Rocks Reserve out near Boulevard.  That's about 60 miles due east of downtown San Diego.  It will take about an hour to get there, use less than a tank of gas and it's designed to give the entire family the chance to celebrate Father's Day together, in the great outdoors, exercising the mind and the body.

It's really an old fashioned treasure hunt using the latest space-age technology in the form of a GPS device.  You'll need to bring your own or an I-Pod or phone that's GPS capable.  It doesn't cost much and kicks off with a geo-caching beginners course at 8:30 Saturday morning.

There's also a horseshoe tournament after lunch and a weenie roast late for dinner.  It's a day full of fun for the whole family and something you, the kids and dad can do together and, who knows, maybe make it an annual event.

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