Fire in the Hole! Fake Pipe Bomb Destroyed

The Fire Department's Bomb Squad destroyed a small pipe bomb at an unfinished building in Downtown Saturday -- but it turned out to be fake, said San Diego Fire-Rescue spokesperson Maurice Luque.

The device was made of PVC and found on the roof a building under construction on 14th St. And Imperial Ave. It's the same building where a walkway collapsed is September injuring 16 people.

Shortly after 10:00 a.m. the Bomb Squad yelled "fire in the hole!" And a loud bang was heard.  "It disassembles it in a safe manner without it exploding." said Bomb Technician Chet Bertell. The bang was similar to a 12-gauge-shotgun.

Experts say the device was not a crude construction. "The person who constructed it took some time doing it," said Bertell.  He also said the person left evidence which could lead investigators to a suspect.

Agents from Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms and the FBI were on the scene collecting evidence. The person who placed the fake bomb could face three to seven years in prison.

The device was discovered near a stair well by a foreman Saturday morning during his morning rounds.  The building is located across the street from St. Vincent De Paul Villages.  It is a low income residential housing building but not associated with the Villages.

Ed Hersey, Operations Director with the Villages said doors and gates were sealed at their facility upon hearing of the possible pipe bomb from the police.

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