Family Shares Story of Brothers Hit by Lightning

A North County landscaping worker remains in a coma, fighting for his life after being hit by a lightning bolt. His older brother was also struck, suffering severe burns. They're being treated at Palomar Medical Center.

Add up a heart stoppage, major lung damage and a badly swollen brain and you begin to understand why they say Gutiberto Matias, 31, is in critical condition.

Their families are keeping an emotional vigil at the hospital, including the victim’s niece.

"We're all shocked. It's like, why them? Why two brothers? You don't see that happen here. We're just in shock," Maria Baltazar said.

The lighting struck Wednesday, as Gutiberto and his brother Cupertino were on a landscaping job in the gated community of Victoria Ranch in San Marcos. As Cupertino tells it, the bolt paralyzed him and knocked him flat. By the time he recovered, Gutiberto was lying motionless.

Cupertino managed to get the attention of his boss and other workers, who began CPR until paramedics arrived on-scene.

The pair was rushed to Palomar Medical Center, with lifesaving techniques applied to Gutiberto all the way.

The victim is married with a 4-year-old daughter and 18-month-old son. The true nature of their father's condition has not been shared with the youngsters.

"They just know their dad's sick… we're telling them we're hoping he's going to get better, and he'll come home soon," Baltazar said. “They want to see him, but we don't want to traumatize them. We don't want that moment to stay in their minds forever.”

Medical costs for the Gutiberto and Cupertino are covered by their employer's insurance policies.

They've got two other brothers who also work at the firm -- all of them, for more than 14 years now. Those two weren't on the job that day.

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