Do It for the Booty

It doesn’t sound all that tough.

Just 25 tasks needed to be performed in one day – with each task worth 5 points. Some of the tasks involve drinking, others not so much. All of the tasks need to be done in and around Pacific Beach.

Sound like something right up your alley? Then you should sign up for the 2009 Pacific Beach Scavenger Hunt, to be held June 20, 2009. Registration is online and will be closed once it’s full.

Entry fee is $40 but organizers say every penny of the registration goes for shirts, food, trophies, advertising, entertainment and alcohol. Before all that is paid though, $10 from every entry fee goes to charity.

Leave the kids at home, this is for adults only.

Sounds like a blast so please, PLEASE, if you compete send some pics our way. E-mail them to .

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