Online Twitter Debate Today on California Ballot Props

Want to see a live debate on the ballot propositions that's not driven by money? Well, we here at Prop Zero will be participating in's Tweet-a-thon, called "Tweet-A-Prop," via Twitter today from 1 to 5 p.m. Pacific time.

Supporters and opponents of the five California statewide ballot propositions -- Prop 13 (seismic safety), Prop 14 (top two primary), Prop 15 (public financing of campaigns), Prop 16 (the two-thirds vote requirement for municipal power agencies), and Prop 17 (the auto insurance measure) -- will be arguing back and forth, in 140 characters or less.

Below are directions to participate. A full description of the event is here.

How does a person participate in "Tweet-A-Prop"?

1.  At any point between 1-5 p.m. Pacific, sign in to your Twitter account and post whatever you have to say about any state or local California propositions and add #calprops to your tweet(s). 
2.  Read and respond to the comments of others who are also using the #calprops hashtag.
3.  Post links to information you think people should have.
4.  Drop by for a comment or two, or spend the whole afternoon.
5.  Let your Twitter followers, and your non-Tweet firends, know about it.
6.  Your non-Twitter friends can follow it all just by following this URL:

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