5 Dating Resolutions

Amp up your dating life with these New Year tips

Forget the bar scene to find your next date. There are plenty of new ways to amp up your chances of finding the guy or gal for a night on the town or a day of fun.

"Switch up your routine," suggests Lisa Purdum, of It's Just Lunch in San Diego. "Go out and get coffee at a different time or get up a little bit earlier," she says, because you just might run in to Mr. or Ms. Right. "Plan at least one or two activities during the week, which will keep you from getting stuck in a groove and make you more interesting as you experience new things."

Purdum, whose company arranges first lunch dates or drinks after work for busy singles, adds you should also, "Take care of you. If you're healthy in mind, body and spirit, you're more likely to be outgoing and be more attractive to the people you meet."

She also says, challenge yourself and get out of your zone. Travel solo or go to a movie alone.

Expand your knowledge by picking up a new skill or hobby , learn a new language or take cooking classes for example. If you have other interests you'll meet new people who'll share the same interests.

And lastly be proactive. Purdum says it's not easy to do. But take little steps, like smiling at someone in an elevator, or go out with two new people a month.

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