10/29: Be Kind

ROOFTOP YOGA: The Porto Vista Hotel & Suites is hosting yoga from its very own rooftop! It's Vinyasa flow and the levels of the classes are mixed so don't worry if you're novice. The cost is free for hotel guests at $15 for the public. Call 619-544-0164 for more details.

GET YOUR HANDS UP: LMFAO is making a stop in San Diego right before they kick off their Party Rock Tour.  Catch this electro/hip-hop duo on their rise to fame-- just in the last year they've made their MTV debut, who knows what else is in store?

THE KIND DIET: Warwick's Cooking Club comes together this month with actress and author of Kind Diet, Alicia Silverstone.  The event takes place at Isabel's Cantina and dinner tickets include a three course meal, wine, a book discussion and singing.

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