Get Your Green Job Here!

Get Your Green Jobs Here!

April 19-23rd has been dubbed National Zep Week by , a national leader in solar power distribution and installation. What is Zep Solar? It is a rail–free mounting and grounding system for residential solar electric installations. Which may sound like foreign language unless you already know a thing or two about solar installations. The Zep system has been called “a game changer” in that it is expected to “dramatically increase the speed of solar adoption nationally by reducing cost and making solar system design and installation much faster,” says groSolar CEO Jeff Wolfe.

So how does this equate to Green Jobs? A nationwide training program is taking place to train hundreds of installers, in 12 cities across the country. San Diego’s one-day training is taking place on Friday April 23rd at the Crowne Plaza Hotel from 9am-3pm. Installers will receive detailed information and hands on demonstrations on how to install solar panels using this new technique that is said to dramatically reduce the materials needed to install solar electric systems on residential rooftops and reduce installation time.

This is great for homeowners who will save thousands of dollars off an average system, and also for installers, who will increase the speed of solar adoption nationwide.

For more information please visit 

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