California one step closer to making digital driver's license a reality
California is moving a step closer to making something people have been asking for a reality. A new app will allow you to create a digital driver’s license and the DMV is hoping 1.5 million Californians will help them test it.
California residents can now be part of the mobile driver's license pilot program
California residents can now upload their driver’s license to their smartphone and take part in the state’s Mobile Driver’s License pilot program, the CA DMV announced.
DMV closing SoCal driver's license processing centers
The Department of Motor Vehicles will soon close its two remaining driver’s license processing centers in Southern California.
DMV in testing stages of mobile driver's licenses for Californians
The DMV is currently testing a mobile app that will allow Californians to upload their driver’s license or ID to their phones.
California DMV changing its disabled parking placard renewal process
The California DMV is hoping to crack down on fraud with its new disabled parking placard renewal process.