Volunteers Clean up Estuary After Rains

Councilmember Lorie Zapf along with the San Diego River Park Foundation and more than 120 volunteers helped clean up the San Diego River Estuary Saturday.

Recent rains washed trash into the estuary, threatening the habitat. Because of the sensitivity of the wetlands, events in the estuary are scheduled infrequently to protect the health of the environment.

As well as the shoreline, volunteers kayaked into the estuary to remove trash, electronic waste, and recycling from the wildlife area.

The estuary is a 330-acre critically important wildlife area with habitat for many sensitive species, including endangered birds that nest in the estuary, like the Ridgway's Rail and the California Least Tern.

Over 100 different species of birds use the area to rest during their yearly migrations between Alaska and Mexico.

Last year volunteers removed 151,983 pounds of trash from the river.

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