Sam Daly says he doesn't remember anything in the seconds leading up to the Feb. 12 crash outside Stingaree Nightclub.
"I was going down Sixth Avenue to Stingaree,"said Daly. "I don't remember anything else."
His taxi ended up crashing into dozens of people who had just left the Gaslamp nightclub just before 2 a.m. He says he woke up as people began pulling him from his cab.
"Started to beat me,"Daly said. "I was gasping, all the blood coming from my nose, I couldn't breathe."
Daly was punched repeatedly and suffered two black eyes and a broken nose.
Officers arrived and began controlling the crowd and helping the injured as Daly sat on the ground in handcuffs.
Daly was in a daze and felt like he was in a terrible dream.
"It's something horrible, like "what's happening?,"Daly said.
Daly says he suffers from anxiety and depression but he doesn't believe the medication he takes played a role in the crash.
He blames what happened on the enormous stress he has been dealing with for the past several months.
He is losing his hme to foreclosure and struggling to help his family in Egypt including a sister who is recovering from cancer.
"You are not sleeping good, you are thinking all the time,"said Daly about the stress.
Daly forgives the people who attacked him after the crash.
He's hoping the victims will forgive him too, including Dominique Gambale.
The 45 year old Encinitas woman nearly lost her leg in the crash. She has undergone at least five surgeries and is expected to walk again.
"I pray for her, I am begging her to forgive me," Daly told NBCSanDiego.