With our beautiful weather and breathtaking views, you'd think living in San Diego would be stress free.
America's Finest City came in 16th on the year's list of most stressed-out cities according to Forbes magazine.
How could we be stressed with the sand and the sun and 70-degree weather almost all year round? All that sunshine couldn't burn off the recession cloud that's hit our county.
"This coastal metro posted a 28% year-over-year median home price drop," the magazine cites in its study summary. "The cost of living doesn't make things easier: it ranks as the sixth highest in cost of living among the 40 metro areas we examined."
Chicago came in at number one with Los Angeles and New York following at two and three respectively.
Phoenix ranks 25th. Maybe the Zonies have something going for them after all.
When they measured wuality of life, home prices, population, unemployment, air quality and sunshine, the least stressed-out city was named as Austin Texas. Yet another reason to keep returning to SXSW next year.